Woke up on the street
No clothes
Cold cold street
Head hurts. Everything's fuzzy
Like it's just smoke in there
Things look funny too
Colours are different with what eye I look at things with
So many people walk by. Who are they?
Who am I?
A name.
What's my name. And what do I do.
I must have a name. Everyone has a name. Everyone has a name and something that they do.
I think I have it. A name.
Like a light drifting in the fog.
Dealmaker. That was my surname.
Yes, that sounds right.
Antony Dealmaker
And... What do I do...
I sell things! I am a salesman! I am a salesman and I sell things!
Best get a wriggle on. I need to go and sell things.
It's what I do.